Reachability service Answering Circle

Answering Circle is a service that improves group reachability by combining the phone subscriptions of each group (1-15 subscriptions) in the same answering group.

At any given time, 1-3 Answering Circle groups are in use. At a time, only one of the groups (the active group) answers to incoming calls.

The Answering Circle service allows you to create, say, a small-scale call centre without incurring large costs.

Answering Circle has five different routing profile options:

1. Time control (the default profile, when the Pro service is activated for the Cid number)

2. Weekday routing

3. Call forwarding

4. Group 1

5. Group 2

You can select the profile you want under "Active profile". The "Number routings" view is automatically updated according to your selection, and the setting view of your active profile appears under the profile selection.

Time control

Weekday routing

Call forwarding

Group 1

Group 2

Managing groups and additional Answering Circle settings

How to add a new Answering Circle number

How to remove an Answering Circle number