How to add a new Cid number

When Telia Cid is introduced, Telia will assign your company with numbering areas based on the services specified in your Cid service agreement (Cid 10, Cid 100, and Cid 1000).

The numbering areas of your company will be divided among offices. It is possible to have many different numbering areas or parts thereof in one office. In Cid Manager, offices are used for subdividing Cid numbers and their users in smaller groups that are more easily manageable. Small companies typically have only one Cid Manager office including all the Cid numbers and their users. By contrast, large companies may have an extensive structure of offices in Cid Manager corresponding to the actual organisation of the company.

After the numbering areas have been assigned and offices specified, Cid Manager can be used for adding individual Cid numbers (in the intelligent network). When Telia Cid is delivered, Telia will set up the initial configuration according to the company's wishes, after which you can add and remove Cid numbers yourself.

To start adding a new Cid number, do one of the following:

1. In the work area of the Cid Manager home page, click on the "Add new number" link.

2. Go to the view of the office to which you want to add the number by first clicking on the "Companies" link in the task bar, then "Offices" in the navigation bar, and finally selecting the office. On the office start page, click on "Add new number".

3. When viewing the number list of either the company or an individual office (the links "Numbers" or "Office numbers" in the navigation area), click on the "Add number" button in the bottom left corner of the list. After this, you are taken to the first step of the process to add new numbers, i.e. asked to select a office and a numbering area.

This is how the new number is added:

- At the top of the work area, you can see all the steps of the process. The present step is marked in red, earlier steps in orange, and the following steps in grey.
- After having made all the selections in each step, select "Continue" in the bottom right corner to move on to the next step.
- You can move back to the previous steps (to change information you have entered previously, etc.) by selecting "Back" in the bottom left corner of the view.
- To abort the process, select "Abort" at the bottom of the view.
- At the summary step, you can once more check the information you have entered before saving it.

Steps of the process to add new numbers:

1. Office and numbering area: You can select whichever of the two first; the check mark (office) and the contents of the drop-down menu (numbering area) are automatically updated according to your selection.

2. Number, service, and user: Select a reachability service for the number (Prime, Pro, or Answering Circle; for further information, see the reachability service in question). Select a user for the number. Note that you can select a previously created user or create a new user.

3. Answering point numbers: You can add answering point numbers to the list of answering point numbers of the user you have selected. This is not necessary, if previously added numbers are sufficient for your routing needs.

4. Number routings: Create a suitable routing chain for the number. Make any necessary further selections (internal calls, extra services, timing of recorded messages).

5. Summary: Check that the information is accurate and if necessary, correct it by moving back to the previous steps of the process.

To finish, select "Save" in the summary view. The number is added to the Cid Manager database, and number routings are transferred to the intelligent network.

After having saved the number, you will be taken to the view of the user and the newly added number with the "Number routings" tab open.

The intelligent network status takes some time to update (usually a few seconds at most). During this time, a message at the top of the page will tell you that the intelligent network status is still being updated. The message will automatically disappear, when the intelligent network sends a notice of receipt about the routing data having been transferred successfully.