Cid number from a mobile phone

The Cid service also includes "Cid number from mobile", a supplementary service making it possible to display the Cid number as the caller number for calls or SMS messages. To activate the service, do this:

1. Order the Cid number from mobile for your company if it's not already in use. Telia will activate the service, after which it will be available for any of your Cid numbers with the reachability service Prime or Pro.

2. Assign a mobile number for the Cid number in the "Mobile number" drop-down menu under "More settings" in the "Number routings" tab. The menu includes all the mobile phone numbers specified in the user's list of answering point numbers.

3. Pick your preferred option in the "When calling from mobile number" drop-down menu.

The options of the drop-down menu are:

1. The default option is "Mobile number". This means that the recipient of calls placed from the mobile number will see the actual mobile phone subscription number.

2. If the "Cid number" option is chosen, the person receiving calls from the mobile number will always see the Cid number as the caller number.

3. If you choose "Cid number during working time", the caller number will only be different during the time slot specified as working time. In the Pro service, working time is the same as the working time slot specified in the Time control profile. In the Prime service, you must specifically define the time slot for this service.

4. If the "Answering Circle number always" option is chosen, the person receiving calls from the Mobile number will at all times see the Answering Circle number as the caller number.

5. If the "Answering Circle number during work hours" option is chosen, the use of the Answering Circle number as the caller number is restricted to the time slot specified as working time.

If e.g. the Cid number 0201234567 has been assigned the mobile number 0405678901 and you have chosen "Cid number" in the "Mobile caller ID displayed" drop-down menu, the person receiving calls from the number 0405678901 will see the number 0201234567 as the caller number.

Cid number from a mobile phone can only be used if the mobile number assigned to the Cid number is a mobile subscription number of Telia and the customer has a Cid number from a mobile phone service agreement. As Telia's customer, your company is also responsible for the accuracy of the paired numbers.

NB! Cid number from a mobile phone only works in Finland: the caller number will not be changed for calls placed from abroad.

NB! It is possible to prevent the caller number from changing to the Cid number for specific calls and messages. To do this, dial the prefix *155* before the recipient's phone number.

If you are, say, calling from a mobile phone to the number 0401234567 and want the recipient to see the mobile phone number, not the Cid number, dial *155*0401234567.

NB! If the user subscribes to services based on mobile caller identification, they must dial the *155* prefix before placing the call / sending the SMS to block any changes in the caller number. Note that the *155* prefix does not work with SMS messages in all mobile phone models.

NB! The *155* prefix does not work in international calls (when calling abroad from Finland or calling to Finland from abroad).

NB! The caller number is never changed and is always the actual mobile subscription number in the following cases:

- Calls to general emergency numbers or premium-rate/toll-free service numbers
- Calls to mobile voice mail
- Calls to company's internal short numbers
- Home Calls or Home Call text messages
- Text messages to short numbers (different service numbers)
- Multimedia messages (MMS)

Incoming call display

Mobile number

Routing of SMS messages

Fax routing

Cid number from a mobile phone

Internal calls