Mobile number

A Cid number can be assigned its own mobile number. The mobile number is an ordinary mobile phone number, which is "paired" with a Cid number in Telia's intelligent network and used for the following purposes:

- Management of Cid number settings with SMS commands. The mobile number determines the mobile phone subscription from which you can manage the Cid number using SMS commands. Example: The Cid number 0201234567 has been assigned the mobile number 0405678901. Thus, SMS commands sent from the number 0405678901 will affect the reachability service settings of the Cid number 0201234567.

- Displaying the Cid number as the caller number when calling from a mobile phone. The "Cid number from mobile" service allows you to display the Cid number, instead of the mobile phone number, as the caller number when calling from the mobile number assigned to the Cid number (i.e. when the user of the Cid number places a call from their mobile phone).

NB! One mobile phone number can only be assigned to one Cid number as its mobile number. If you try to assign the same mobile number to another Cid number, the system sends an error message.

Incoming call display

Mobile number

Routing of SMS and MMS messages

Fax routing

Cid number from a mobile phone

Internal calls