Reachability service Prime

The SMS commands of the reachability service Prime allow you to check the status of the Cid number.

In addition, you can choose whether to show the mobile phone number or the Cid number as the caller ID when calling from the mobile number assigned to the Cid number. This additional functionality requires that you order the supplementary service Cid number from a mobile phone; for further information, see the section "Cid number from a mobile phone".

Status check

The command CID STATUS allows you to check the current status of your Cid number. The return message includes the current routing settings of the Cid number.

Cid number from a mobile phone

The commands CID IDCID, CID IDTIME, and CID IDMOBILE allow you to set the number that the recipient sees when the user calls, sends an MMS, or sends an SMS from a mobile number (i.e. a mobile phone subscription) assigned to a Cid number.

CID IDCID sets the Cid number as the caller ID.

CID IDTIME sets the Cid number as the caller ID during working time. Working time is a number-specific setting made in the Cid number management view via the web-based user interface. Outside working hours, the mobile phone number will be shown as the caller ID.

CID IDMOBILE sets the number of the mobile phone subscription as the caller ID.