User's answering point numbers

Answering point numbers are phone numbers that the users can specify as answering points in the routing chains of their personal Cid numbers. Thus, answering point numbers are numbers to which incoming calls to Cid numbers are redirected.

Answering point numbers are user-specific. Each user has their own list of answering point numbers.

You can find the user's answering point numbers in the "Answering point numbers" tab of the user and number information view.

You can add new answering point numbers to the user by entering a country code (default: "FI 358" for Finland), a phone number, and a description for the phone number. To save the new answering point number, click on the "Add" button on the right side of the text row.

Note! Finnish phone numbers are entered into the Number field with the leading zero (e.g. "0401234567"). When using foreign phone numbers the number must be entered into the Number field without the leading zero. E.g. after selecting the Swedish country code "SE 46" the Swedish phone number must be entered as e.g. "81234567" (08 is the area code for Stockholm).

You can also edit the information of previously saved answering point numbers by selecting "Edit" on the right side of the number information.

To delete a previously saved answering point number, click on the "Delete" button on the right side of the number information.

Note! The user cannot edit answering point numbers that the company's Cid Manager administrator has moved to the list from the general number list (see "General number list"), but the user can delete them from their list of answering point numbers.

Typically, answering point numbers added to the list are ordinary mobile and fixed-line telephone numbers. Nevertheless, the phone number to be added can also be the company's Cid number, provided that the following requirements are met.

- The Cid number must be in the company's Cid numbering area.

- The Cid number must have been transferred to the intelligent network (it must be in use in the phone network).

- The Cid number's reachability service cannot be Answering Circle.

NB: Due to technical reasons, Cid numbers cannot be used as such as answering points in routing chains. If you try to add a Cid number as an answering point number, the system automatically adds one of the phone numbers in the Cid number's settings as the actual answering point number in compliance with the following rules:

- If the reachability service of the Cid number to be added is Prime (i.e. only one routing chain is in use), the actual answering point number will be the phone number in the first answering point of the Prime routing chain.

- If the reachability service of the Cid number to be added is Pro, the actual answering point number will be the phone number in the first answering point of the working time routing chain specified in Pro's Time control profile.

To view the actual answering point number replacing the Cid number you tried to add, click on the "Edit" button on the right side of the list of answering point numbers. The editing view also allows you to replace the automatically added number with some other phone number.

Basic user information

User rights

User's Cid numbers

User's answering point numbers

How to add or remove offices of an office administrator