User's Cid numbers
From the user's viewpoint, there are two types of Cid numbers:
1. Personal Cid numbers. The user has been designated as the owner of these Cid numbers and will appear as the number's user in the Cid number report and elsewhere. One Cid number can only have one owner.
2. Editable Cid numbers. The user is not the owner of these numbers, but the user has been given the rights to edit the information of these Cid numbers. Thus, a single Cid number can be edited by many users. For example, those working for the same unit can be given the rights to edit each other's Cid numbers in exceptional situations (holidays, sick leaves, etc.).
NB: Administrators and office administrators can edit Cid number information as permitted by their role irrespective of whether the Cid numbers in question have been added to the "Editable Cid numbers" list in their user information. Thus, an office administrator of a office is always entitled to edit the Cid number information of all their offices on account of their user role. The administrator is always entitled to edit the information of all the company's Cid numbers.
The "User information" tab shows the user's first five personal Cid numbers and the first five editable Cid numbers. The remaining personal and editable Cid numbers are accessible via the "Show all and manage…" links. In these views you can also add and remove numbers to/from the user. |