How to delete a user
To delete a user, open the user list of either the company or an individual office, select a user from the list, and click on the "Delete" button on the right side of the user information.
NB: If the user also had Cid Manager user rights, the Cid Manager service will be removed from the user of the SurfManager. The user will not be removed from SurfManager, since the user may be using Telia's other services. If necessary, the SurfManager administrator of your company may remove the user via SurfManager's user management interface.
NB: The user's answering point numbers will be removed when the user is removed. Answering point numbers that were used as answering points in Cid number routing chains will remain in the routing chains. After the user has been removed, they will be shown in routing chain answering points as ordinary phone numbers without a description. |