Cid number reports

The "Cid number reports" feature allow the administrator or office administrator to create an Excel worksheet with your company's Cid numbering schemes classified by office.

To start creating a Cid number report, select the "Cid number reports" link on the Cid Manager home page.

Select the offices you want in the "List of offices" drop-down menu. The administrator can see all the company's offices in the drop-down menu. Office administrators only see the locations they administer themselves.

Choose also the type of your report.

Then click on the "Create a report" button. The system generates an Excel worksheet and asks you to select whether to save the report or just open it on the screen.

Worksheets will be created in the Excel file to be generated depending on what reachability services your company is using. For example, a "Pro information" worksheet will be created if your company has Cid numbers with the reachability service Pro.

NB! The Excel reports in no way affect the information in Cid Manager's database. This means that you can edit report information without altering the Cid number routing settings in Cid Manager.