How to save the information and when changes become effective

Click on "Save" at the bottom of the "Number routings" tab to save the changed settings.

The changes will immediately become effective in the intelligent network; exceptionally, it may take a few minutes for the changes to become effective.

The default setting is that the changes will be transferred to the intelligent network immediately, but you can also set a delay. For the selections on when the settings become effective, see the bottom of the "Number routings" tab.

NB: It may take a few minutes longer for the internal call service to become effective when compared to the Cid number reachability chain settings. Due to this delay, the internal call service is not immediately active (the box checked) in the Cid number view but only after a few minutes after having been activated.

Reachability chain settings

How to save the information and when changes become effective

How to change the reachability service from Prime to Pro