Cid Manager allows you to create users to facilitate the management of Cid numbers. Usually Cid numbers are used by a person or a group, which makes it a good idea to keep also this information in Cid Manager.
The users created in Cid Manager may be real persons or, say, groups or locations.
When necessary, the users created in Cid Manager may also be given Cid Manager user rights, in which case the users can manage their own information themselves insofar as this is permitted by their user role.
Each user created in Cid Manager is assigned one of the following user roles:
- Administrator
Administratorsmanage all the Cid numbers and users in the company.
The administrator can manage all the number information in all the company's offices without restrictions.
The administrator can create, edit, and delete users irrespective of their user role (end user, office administrator, administrator, or IT systems manager).
The administrator also manages the end users' answering point numbers. For more information on answering point numbers, see the section "User's answering point numbers".
With the general number list, the administrator manages non-user-specific numbers available in the company's Cid number reachability chains. Only the administrator is permitted to use the general number list. For more information on how to use the general number list, see the section "General number list".
NB: When introducing Telia Cid, Telia's Cid Manager administrators will assign the first administrator rights to employees designated by your company. These administrators will then use Cid Manager to create any other company users (including administrators).
Office administratorsmanage the Cid numbers and users in its offices.
The administrator specifies which locations are assigned to each office administrator.
An office administrator can create new users and new Cid numbers in their office.
An office administrator can also edit the answering point numbers of the end users in their office. For more information on answering point numbers, see the section "User's answering point numbers".
NB: An office administrator cannot delete users. Only the administrator is permitted to do this.
End usersmanage the reachability chain routings of their personal Cid numbers.
An end user to whom the administrator or an office administrator has assigned a Cid number is called the owner of the Cid number.
NB: Only the administrator or an office administrator can add numbers to the end user's list of answering point numbers. The list is used for specifying which answering point numbers are permitted for each user's Cid number routings. Thus, routings to premium-rate service numbers or international numbers are only permitted if the administrator or an office administrator has authorised them. For further information on answering point numbers, see the section "User's answering point numbers".
IT systems managersare able to view all number and user information but cannot edit it (unless the IT systems manager has been designated as the owner of the Cid number in question).
The IT systems manager role is intended for monitoring only, and thus those wishing to edit the information must be given administrator rights.
For detailed instructions on how to manage user information in different situations, see the section "User management". |