Components of the user interface

Task bar

The upper part of the user interface consists of the task bar, the quick search, and the language menu.

In addition to the home page, the task bar includes links to the company information start page (Company) and Cid Manager's online guide (Guides). The right side of the task bar also has a log-out link (Log out).

You can choose Finnish of English as the language of Cid Manager. At login, the language is selected on the basis of the user's default language, but the language can be changed with the links in the top right corner of the user interface (suomeksi / in English).

Work area

User and number information as well as other details (e.g. company and office information) can be edited in the work area located in the middle of the user interface below the task bar.

Navigation area

The navigation area is located on the left side of the user interface, below the task bar.

The links shown in the navigation area depend on the view. For example, the navigation area of the company start page includes links to the company's information on users, numbers, and offices, the company information view, and user rights management.

Search functions

The quick search is located in the top middle part of the user interface. To use the quick search, select first a user, number, or office and then enter the search criteria in the search field. Click on the Search button to begin the search.

You can also use the advanced search for more refined searches. The link to the advanced search is located under the quick search.



Components of the user interface